Cypriot Citizenship Criteria 2024

In March 2024, the Ministry of Interior announced it is now accepting citizenship applications under newly revised regulations. Along with this announcement, the authorities also issued detailed explanations regarding specific provisions of the amended law and the necessary documents for the application process.

The amended legislation introduces two pathways for acquiring Cyprus citizenship based on residency. The standard route applies to foreign nationals legally residing in Cyprus, while the fast-track route is available to employees of companies that are part of the “Strategy for Attracting Business and Expanding Activities in Cyprus,” aimed at encouraging business operations and growth in the country. The fast-track route application must be examined within 8 months of a duly submitted application.

To qualify under the Standard Route applicants must have:

  • Legal and continuous residence in Cyprus for the 12 months prior to applying.
  • Legal residence in Cyprus for 7 out of the last 10 years, counting from the 12 months before applying.
  • Knowledge of the Greek language (level B1).
  • Awareness of Cyprus’s socio-political environment.
  • Good character.
  • Adequate accommodation and stable income sources to support themselves and their family.
  • An intention to reside in Cyprus.

To qualify under the Fast Track Route applicants must have:

  • Legal and continuous residence in Cyprus for the 12 months preceding the application.
  • Legal residence in Cyprus for either 3 or 4 years (instead of the 7 years required under the standard route) during the last 10 years, counting from the 12 months before applying.
    1. The 4-year residency requirement applies to those with a Greek language certificate at level A2, while a certificate at level B1 reduces the requirement to 3 years.
  • Awareness of Cyprus’s socio-political environment.
  • Good character.
  • Adequate accommodation and stable income sources to support themselves and their family.
  • An intention to reside in Cyprus.

Under the new legislation, clear criteria and instructions are provided for foreign nationals residing in Cyprus who wish to apply for citizenship based on their residency. The new rules stipulate that in addition to meeting physical residency requirements, applicants must also satisfy other key criteria, including proof of proficiency in the Greek language and knowledge of Cyprus’s socio-political landscape.

At Christy’s we advise on all aspects of employment law, from appointment to dismissal. We advise both employers and employees. This gives us valuable insight into the employment relationship and the need to provide effective, commercial, and imaginative solutions. Our team can help your employees secure citizenship in Cyprus and comply with visa requirements.

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